Dogwoods are natural understory trees preferring afternoon shade, especially in hot climates. They thrive in a well-draining hummus rich, slightly acidic soil.
Young trees will have a shallow root system. Water throughly, about twice a week, throughout the growing season
Although native species have struggled to survive in recent years due to a disease called Anthracnose, the newer varieties available at Botanic are Anthracnose-resistant.

Cornus Hybrids
The best of both worlds! Heat and disease resistance coupled with increased tolerance of soil conditions.
Available Varieties
Stellar Pink, Aurora, Constellation

Cornus sericea
More of a shrub than a tree, these have multi-season interest with their bright red twigs.
Available Varieties
baileyi ‘Red twig’

Cornus florida
Our Native Dogwood shrugs off intense heat & dry soils without a second thought!
Available Varieties
Appalachian Snow,Cherokee Brave

Planting Tips
- Dig a hole twice as wide and 1 1/2 times as deep as the nursery pot.
- Loosely backfill around the root ball with amended soil, raising the root flare about 1” above ground soil level.
- (Amend heavy clay soils, by using 1/3 Native Soil, 1/3 Mushroom Compost, and 1/3 Soil Conditioner)
- Mulch around the base of tree and water throughly.